Friday, September 6, 2013

Daycare fail

Only three days into daycare and we've had an epic failure.  Apparently our in-home daycare provider, who is a very nice older woman that's been running a daycare in her home for 27 years, misunderstood some component of the State regulation on how many babies she can have under 15 months old.  Besides our boys she has a 13 month old but apparently she can only have two babies under 15 months.  Bottom line, we have to make other arrangements for our boys starting TODAY!  Yes, you heard me.  She had a visit from the State yesterday and has to be in compliance today, meaning our boys can not be there when the State person comes back.

Now I understand the purpose of regulations but seriously, the State only gives one day to come into compliance?!  It's not like she had too many kids in her care or that there was something unsanitary or unsafe about her place.  Just that one of the kids she has is TWO months shy of the 15 month mark.  And S and I have to pay the price for this mistake.  I am completely aggravated right now.  The boys went with S to work today and the daycare lady put us in touch with an alternate sitter for the time being but I just can't believe I have to deal with one more thing on top of all the other crazy stuff that's happened over the last month!  Some expressions come to mind... When it rains it pours.  If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.  C'est la vie.


  1. Oh MAN! That's rough. Same thing happened to my sister, actually, only the sitter realized several months beforehand that she had messed up the math with the allowable number/ages of kids. Even that was really stressful! I'm glad the daycare lady was able to give you a lead on another sitter at least for the short term.

    Take things one day at a time, and know there is a random internet person out there wishing you well!

    1. Thanks Katie! It turned out just fine, I actually like the new lady even better and she's also more convenient to my commute!
